Life: The First Right


Mom says she sometimes regrets not having an abortion

Aborted babies were still born


Stop Pretending Abortion is About Your Body

There are so many things that happen to our bodies that we cannot control. Pregnancy is one of those things. For most people pregnancy is a choice. For women who are raped this may not be the case. But abortion is not about your body.

Every month women go through tremendous changes and this cannot be controlled short of surgical sterility or harmful drugs that are also abortifacients. Pregnancy is one event that happens a total of between zero and three times to most women in the US throughout their entire lifetime. If women weren’t having abortions, most women would be having 4 or more children. Through natural child spacing this would happen over 10 years or more, and fertility awareness methods would enable women to go longer without kids or have as few or as many children as they want.

Most women are smart enough to figure out how to avoid becoming pregnant using fertility awareness and condoms. For the women who are not smart enough to do that or who have no self control, or who are raped, do we as a society condone their abortions? The answer depends on who you are. Yes it is legal to have an abortion in almost any situation today in the USA. But everyone is smart enough to know that this is wrong. If the situation were reversed and abortion had become uniformly illegal in 1973, would we still hear people say that a child is not a living person with rights? What bearing does a scribble on a piece of paper in a book have upon our inner feelings of right and wrong? Nothing. We are all operating from a moral place of knowledge of right and wrong. Every time we do something that we know is wrong, we must think about why we justify this decision to ourselves. Either we lost our tempers or we acted rashly, or we feel justified in some way, or we do not care. In some cases we get a thrill from doing the wrong thing because it is bad.

Mothers normally try to do the right thing for their children, 100%. The protective instinct is very strong right from the first moment of the knowledge of a pregnancy in most cases. And then you have women who abort…

Should we be kind to women who are about to choose abortion? Well of course we should… we should do everything possible to show them love and offer them alternatives. But does this mean we should stop advocating to ban all abortions? Absolutely not.

Abortion is not about doing with your body as you will. Abortion is about your entire life. It’s about the next 18 years and 9 months of your life. It’s about the life you want for yourself. It’s a selfish choice to take another person’s life so you can have the life you want for the next 18 years.

Do  not pretend it’s about doing what you want with your uterus for 9 months. Pregnancy may be an inconvenience to you but that pales in comparison to the wrong you commit when you take an innocent life from a child.

In order to feel ok with having an abortion most women will attempt to dehumanize the baby inside of them, by saying that it’s only a fetus and not a child. The word fetus is Latin for offspring. It has no scientific meaning whatsoever. Your child inside of you is a helpless, innocent being who deserves life. Give your child life, even if it means you give him away. Don’t take what does not belong to you. His life is his and nobody else’s to take. Your uterus is just an organ in your body. It is not the child inside you. It’s just his temporary home.

Life is the first human right. Without this right, no other rights are possible. You survived your mother’s womb, don’t make your womb a slaughterhouse… it is a place of miracles and mysteries.

Innocent children are the most precious of all of God’s creation. There is no greater beauty than a baby. Do not destroy and take life from the innocent. Give your own child the same respect you give to kittens and innocent animals in the wild… respect him more than you respect the Earth or your own inanimate objects lying around in your house… save your child.

Abortion and Group Think

Following Saturday’s event I uploaded some photos and video to Facebook and shared it with my friend John who originally implied that there might be violence at our event. We then had a long discussion about philosophy and politics. It struck me that it is somewhat odd that people always seem to blame the people who are pro-life for their opinions on other topics as an excuse for not also advocating for the pro-life cause.

All I have to say about this is that the issue of abortion is about killing babies. It is not about the death penalty for accused or convicted criminals, nor is it about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, nor is it about feeding the hungry or universal health care in the U.S.

Even though my friend eventually decided that he liked some of my other views, it really stuck with me that it seemed to be conditional upon full agreement with him on all other issues.

I have grown tired of the group think mindset that one should have to follow a party line of beliefs in order to support a particular cause. I am also tired of people thinking that they have to believe like their friends do in order to fit in.

Abortion is too important of an issue to confuse it with other issues, or to pretend like it’s not ok for people to debate or advocate for an innocent baby’s life because abortion is legal.

I would like to remind everyone that the 4,000 babies killed every day in the U.S. get no due process and have no rights – unlike those of us who have survived Roe v. Wade and the laws and cases that have followed which were enacted by paid drones or decided by people who probably agree with the Eugenics movement or are somehow otherwised brainwashed.

Here is some food for thought on why people think the way that they do and why people accept things the way they are. I encourage you all to take a stand for what you truly believe, and if you don’t know what that is, give it some good thought. In your heart you know what’s right.

The Asch Experiment

If you are pro-#LIFE write me to join blog as Tweeter

If you are pro-#LIFE write me to join my blog as a Tweeter… #abortion Use “Want To Tweet on This Is Abortion” in the subject line. @amyphilo @thisisabortion

Blogging about my first sidewalk prayer …

Blogging about my first sidewalk prayer meeting outside an abortion mill.

Radical Pro-Abortion Crowd Intimidation Tactics

Last night I posted an invitation to a pro-life prayer event on my Facebook profile, and I was shocked at what I saw. This copy of a note I posted after the fact explains everything.

Pro-Abort Encourages More Pro-Aborts to Disrupt Pro-Life Prayer Meeting at Late Term Abortion Mill & Uses Term “Violence”
Yesterday at 11:28pm

Nice to have such lovely friends, thanks.
After I posted the following,
“9 AM – anyone in Dallas wanna go with me?Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center at the Northeast Corner of Greenville Avenue and Royal Lane.

WFAA Channel 8 recently did a story on the center and interviewed the 72 year old doctor, Dr. Curtis Boyd. Since 1973 his practice which started at the Fairmount Clinic has performed 300,000 abortions. Unlike his other clinic, the new location is a surgery center, which means Boyd and his staff are now able to offer late-term abortions for women in their second trimester up to six months or 24-weeks pregnant. He hopes to be able to perform 2000 of these late term abortions per year in Dallas. “Am I killing?” Boyd said. “Yes, I am. I know that.” Read the story here:

Please consider coming with us. It is so important that people arriving for these services see us outside. Maybe they will reconsider their decision and choose life. Because of the Catholic Pro Life Committee and other religious groups, there are only five abortion clinics left in Dallas when there used to be thirteen. Your presence and prayers do make a difference!!!

For more information, please call
Christina Smith 972-489-3125
Time:9:00AM Saturday, November 14th
Location:8616 Greenville Ave Dallas, Texas 75243″

This shows up in my news feed, to which I responded.

“John Lundin …anti-abortion protesters are planning demonstrations outside this clinic tomorrow, Saturday:

Time:9:00AM Saturday, November 14th Location: 8616 Greenville Ave Dallas, Texas 75243

Those of you are local (Dallas) and who support women’s reproductive rights might consider being present to help allay violence and protect those seeking services
Clinic expands, provides only late-term abortions in N. Texas | Latest News |

Coralynn Scivally McCovery
Hmmm…Methinks Nothing Good Can Come of This…
5 minutes ago

Amy Philo
We are going to pray.
4 minutes ago

Amy Philo
Hey maybe some of your Dallas friends should take a visit there, I’m sure at least one of them is due for their reproductive health checkup. That is what Planned Parenthood is for right? Afterwards I may head over to the Sherlock’s for a drink after all that violence. Then over to study at law school to read up on the constitution and the first amendment right to peacably assemble. Thanks for ganking stuff from my profile to promote abortion. Class act!
about a minute ago

Wendy VanGorden
Thanks, John. I don’t think you’re promoting anything but giving those in the area a head’s up if they want to attend.
3 minutes ago

Coralynn Scivally McCovery
Personally, I am saddened by the Legal Murder of Potential Einsteins…by the duping of their mothers, who have been told so often that their own child is “just a piece of tissue” that they have believed the lie and not the truth beneath their hearts.. the pain to be felt by those innocent babes as they have their bodies eviscerated .. by the horrors of yesterday, today, and of tomorrows yet to come.…and by the travesty of life which allows a doctor to rip a viable infant from the womb, mortally wound him or her, and leave them in a closet to die..see:
3 minutes ago

Amy Philo
about a minute ago

Amy Philo
Thanks Coralynn.
about a minute ago

Phil Foster
“peacably (sic) assemble” – yeah, right.
4 minutes ago

Amy Philo
Yeah, as if you know any of the people who are going. It’s a prayer meeting. It is really insane to take something like this from someone else’s page and then act like you think there is going to be violence. Are you even a friend of mine? No. John is, and I am certain he sees my posts in his feed often so he should know better than to accuse me of something like that. I will be putting this on my blog including all of your names. Feel free to friend me. Oh I am so scary… and all my little catholic girlfriends are also oh so threatening. Damn those Christians for praying to God to help these mothers. I bet you hate it knowing that women see people out there, talk to them, and decide not to kill their children all the time!

FYI this is a late term abortion mill that hopes to perform 2000 abortions on 24 week babies this year. The doctor who runs the clinic has killed 300,000 babies.
2 seconds ago · Delete

Amy Philo
Did I misspell peaceably? I apologize for the typo.
2 seconds ago

Phil Foster
You are a bit full of yourself, young lady.
about a minute ago

Amy Philo
That’s going on my blog too.
about a minute ago

Phil Foster
6 seconds ago

Wendy VanGorden
I’m going to make popcorn for this one. Is “that’s going on my blog” the new “my dad can beat up your dad”?
9 seconds ago

Amy Philo
Your comment is so cute.

Oh, and twitter too.
2 seconds ago

Wendy VanGorden
She thinks I’m cute…why do I now feel like Bambi? And I’ve been Twitter-pated…it is a Disney movie!
27 seconds ago

Alonzo Fretwell
@amy.. i sense you are insincere.
8 seconds ago

Amy Philo
About how cute Wendy’s comment was? Mmmhmm…
2 seconds ago

Alonzo Fretwell
in general.
36 seconds ago

Amy Philo
It’s called sarcasm Alonzo. But, as for the abortion mill, I will be there praying tomorrow.
2 seconds ago

Alonzo Fretwell
hasn’t jesus said to pray in your closet?
4 seconds ago

Amy Philo
I don’t care if he did.
2 seconds ago

Alonzo Fretwell
@coralynn.. “Legal Murder” is an oxymoron. cheer up!
5 seconds ago

Mary Taylor O’Connor
You don’t care what Jesus said? Yep – typical “Christian”.
10 hours ago

Thomas Ferranti
John? Can you help untie this?
10 hours ago

Joe Brothers
@Amy: As a Catholic, I struggle with this issue. First, I strongly feel that murder, no matter when, is wrong. However, I also know that Catholics believe that life begins at conception. However, not all religions or people believe the same as Catholics. So should Catholics export our religious views on the rest of America? Do we want all religions to export their religious views on the rest of us? For example, should Mormons be allowed to baptize all of us into the Mormon faith after we die? BTW, they already do this but what do I care. Should we all have to abide by the Wisconsin Synod of the Lutheran Church which calls the Pope the Anti-Christ? What I am trying to get across is this: Not everyone believes in the Catholic view of life some believe that life begins at birth in which case abortion would not be considered murder.
10 hours ago

Thomas Ferranti
Why not mandate religion? God won’t know if someone truly doesn’t believe in their heart, right? I mean he would know, but wouldn’t we be better off anyway with everyone walking the walk, and talking the talk until eventually they see the light?
10 hours ago

Carol Anderson Humphries
Could it be that as a society, the abortion issue is little more than a smokescreen to hide our dismal record of following Jesus’ teachings to practice Christian charity toward our fellow men and women, the poor and the sick among us?
9 hours ago

Phil Foster
@Carol – beautiful, loving comment.
6 hours ago

Michelle Anderson-Lamb
Thank you John for getting the word out about this. I would absolutely be there to help protect the rights of women who need access to these critical services if I could. These women are just like me, and I respect whatever choice they make. I just wish efforts to reopen greater access to contraception and comprehensive sex education were working. It was a public health policy that clearly worked under the Clinton Administration, and we need to start having intelligent discussions about it again.

Unfortunately, the same lobbies who oppose abortion also tend to oppose birth control and education. It is categorically unjust for these groups to deny women control over their own bodies and sexuality. We did not fight so hard for equal rights to be told we are still second class citizens in the bedroom. It’s hard not to realize this debate is disingenuous when the same lobbies, who feel so strongly that “all life is sacred” they will oppose abortion at all costs (including violence), are somehow conversely pro-war and pro-death penalty. Nor can we ignore how their pro-family values stop at the womb. Once these fetuses become real people, they are denied access to education, health care, fair wages, a clean environment, and safe neighborhoods. It’s no coincidence that the South, which is last in women’s reproductive health, is also last in just about everything else.

These are not policies and values that put life first. These are policies and values vainly attempting to control women the only way they have left.
4 hours ago

Michelle Anderson-Lamb
(P.S. I don’t mean to disparage the People of the South, only the terrible lawmakers of the South who put their own greed and interests before the people! I hope I didn’t offend any of my southerly neighbors!)
3 hours ago

Carol Anderson Humphries
Not at all, Michelle! Hear, hear!
3 hours ago

Melinda Hilterbrand
Amy take your praying somewhere else. Better yet go pray for yourself. John’s not promoting abortion as you said. He’ s support my right and every woman’s right to control her own body and make her own decisions. Not everybody believes your crazy catholic crap. Get off your soap box.
3 hours ago

Amy Philo
Melinda, I am not a Catholic.
2 minutes ago

Amy Philo
Joe – no, people should not force their religion on others. As humans we should not be allowed to kill other humans and we should be able to agree that innocent babies do not deserve to be murdered and that their mothers have no right to kill them.
2 seconds ago

Amy Philo
P.S. – The group that arrived at the abortion mill stayed on the public sidewalk praying and talking, nobody trespassed, nobody was violent, and your pro-abort friends didn’t show up to “protect” anyone as far as I could tell. None of the mothers going in to have an abortion this morning stopped to talk to us, but if they had we would have offered them help.

The Gabriel Project in Dallas gives mothers a place to stay, money, and free OB care. There is a doc here that delivers these babies for free. Everything they need is provided for them. The sidewalk counselors have “saves” all the time and try to cover all the shifts of the abortion mills here in Dallas.

I am posting pictures and video so you can see what a peaceful event it was. As I said earlier on my page the only violence that took place was inside the mill.

Oh, and to the women who think all women are like them and all want their “rights” protected, I find it ironic that you are so worried about the shape of your body or your inconvenience, yet the innocent baby living inside of you has no rights not even to life.

BTW I don’t think Jesus said to pray in your closet, but if there is a verse in the Bible that I missed please feel free to quote it. Maybe you could walk into churches and tell them to stop praying also.
2 seconds ago

Thomas Ferranti
Those who have who will not hear. I am soooo looking forward to 2012.
5 minutes ago”

Thanks to my radical pro-abortion friend for trying to intimidate us. Maybe your friends can show up with your scalpels suction tubes and RU486, I guarantee you you will be more armed than I will. All I have is a cell phone for calling 911 and a set of keys. Thanks for the encouragement. You obviously don’t understand how people work… Now more of us will work harder, so good job.

5 weeks into a pregnancy
One of my babies in the womb. Clearly human. Appears to be sucking thumb.

Comments on this note:

Monika Reign likes this.

John Lundin
Your statement that John Lundin “Encourages More Pro-Aborts to Disrupt Pro-Life” is a gross mis-statement of my posting. Just as you did, I am only suggesting a presence. I’m in no way characterizing your call for your friends to make their presence known as an incitement to violence, but I’m also sure I don’t have to tell you that violence has been an unintended consequence of anti-abortion actions at Planned Parenthood clinics in the past. As an ordained minister, I, too, pray for everyone at the clinic tomorrow.
9 minutes ago

Amy Philo
You’re a minister and yet you insinuate that my friends and I will become violent. You are way out of line. You are the one inciting violence by encouraging random people to come there expecting it and try to make everyone angry. Whatever, your friends have a right to loiter around PP if they want to, and like I said perhaps some of them need the PP services.

I’m not an ordained minister at all but I do know right from wrong and I intend to exercise my human rights to try to help innocent, helpless babies from having their heads ripped off their bodies. Sleep well.
2 minutes ago

Amery Schultz
An ordained minister of what? Certainly not an advocate for Christ or his teachings. For any man or woman for that matter to proclaim to “Minister” and yet endorse a womans “Right” to destroy the life that God has created within her, is an abomination.
about a minute ago

Elaina VanHoy Cary
Yeah! What Amy said!
26 seconds ago

Richard Willner
Go Amy!!
37 seconds ago

Amy Philo
(The only violence taking place anywhere near this prayer meeting will be INSIDE the abortion mill.)
2 seconds ago

Amy Philo
My apologies to PP for confusing your abortion mills with this doctor’s new abortion mill by a different name.

Jill Stanek
Amy, get video and photos and I’ll post.
6 hours ago

Amy Philo
Will do. Thanks.
6 hours ago

Comment on the original link with invite

Richard Willner
Wish I could be there.
17 seconds ago
Amy Philo
Thanks Richard!
2 seconds ago

Richard Willner
Really, I would. Takes me 10 hours to get there and by that time, I would be of no use to no one. And I would surprise my in-laws by crashing on the couch.
14 seconds ago
Amy Philo
LOL, well, I am sure there will be other times.
2 seconds ago · Delete

Now as for how the actual event went:

Today outside a Dallas abortion mill approximately two dozen volunteers prayed and stood waiting to assist mothers arriving to have abortions at the “Women’s Sugery Center,” a clinic run by a doctor who has killed 300,000 babies and hopes to perform 2,000 late term abortions this year. The Gabriel Project has trained peaceful volunteers ready to sidewalk counsel mothers who seek them out.


Contrary to the hateful comments and unfounded accusations which you saw above, these pro-lifers were nothing but peaceful. I arrived about 9 am and parked in the parking lot outside the surgery center. I saw one woman walking out in her pajamas carrying a chucks pad and then a person in a BMW came and picked her up. You could tell she had been there for an abortion, and based on the description I gave the sidewalk counselor she believed it to be a late term abortion.

Once I met my friends on the sidewalk (this was my first time at an event like this) a woman walked up and introduced herself as a sidewalk counselor and told us some of the rules. At first I thought she was from the abortion clinic and there to harass us, then I realized she was our friend. The rules that I became aware of were as follows:

  • Only stay on the sidewalk and do not let your feet pass the rough area painted black on the sidewalk which delineates the property line of the clinic.
  • Do not wave down traffic or talk to people in the driveway.
  • Do not park in the parking lot of the clinic or you could be towed and get a citation. (I had to go move my car.)
  • You can talk to mothers who come to the sidewalk to talk to you but you cannot interfere with their entering the clinic.

Sounds like a pretty peaceful set of rules to me.

We stood in one spot for about half an hour going through a mass and reciting The Lord’s Prayer and Hail Marys. Since I am not Catholic I had to listen to memorize the words to the Hail Marys. I decided to tape and take photos.

Video of event

After a while my friend and I walked down to talk to the sidewalk counselor, and there were a couple of other clusters of people praying on the sidewalk along the premises. We talked to her for a long time and learned about what sidewalk counselors do and how they help these mothers.

After a while I left but the sidewalk counselor stayed and a few more people showed up. I admire their dedication and the fact that this woman has volunteered most days per week for at least a decade, maybe longer.

I did learn that the doctor who runs the clinic came outside recently to harass someone (whom he observed through his surveillance cameras) who stepped into the driveway to give a passerby directions after the driver pulled over and asked. She was told if you ever do that again I will have the police out here immediately. The next day there were 9 squad cars in 3 hours according to the sidewalk counselor.

If you would like to read more about pro-choice violence against pro-lifers, go here:

The Gabriel Project chooses not to use photos of aborted babies but they do have models of babies at different stages of development. They also arrange for mothers to get a place to stay, money and free OB care from a local Pro-Life doctor. The counselor said basically everything that they need…




